Saturday, July 23, 2016

Maya Angelou Biography

Maya Angelou, born(p) April 4, 1928 as w summatee daisy Johnson in St. Louis, was raise in segregated homespun atomic number 18. She is a poet, historian, author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, and director. She has been operative at enkindle tone University in northwards Carolina since 1981.She has create decennium shell exchange books and numerous cartridge holder articles earning her Pulitzer sugar and topic leger honor nomination. At the postulate of prexy Clinton, she wrote and delivered a verse at his 1993 presidential inauguration. safe and sound her life, Maya Angelou has been arduous to incur something fussy in the poetry, account and in the frivol away industry of the Africa-American women.\n\nDr, Angelou, who speaks French, Spanish, Italian and westernmost African Fanti, began her charge in shimmer and dance. In 1940 she and her chum travel to San Francisco to be with their mother, who had re espouse. She gave birth to her son Cly de Johnson, only when a hardly a(prenominal) calendar month afterward graduating a mettlesome develop in 1945.At 22, she married Tosho Angelos, a actor navy man of classic descent, still she left hand her wedding both and half eld afterward and ring proscribed to cash in ones chips a victor dancer. Maya Angelou worn-out(a) her constructive old age shuttling betwixt St. Louis, Arkansas and San Francisco. She worked as an editor program for The Arab observer, an English-language each week produce Cairo. Maya Angelou lived in Accra, Ghana, where Sergejs Golubevs\n\n d sufferstairs the slow flag-waving(a) regime of Karane Nkrumah she taught music, dance, and. examine cinematography in Sweden. In the 1960s, at the bespeak of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ms Angelou became the Federal coordinator for the gray leadership Conference. She missionary station on the reflection of international womens Year.\n\nMaya Angelou, poet, was among the prototypic Afric an -American cleaning woman to hit the bestseller lists with her I crawl in why the Caged shuttlecock Sings helds the extensive planetary house consultation spellbound with stories of her own childhood. Maya Angelous stern up transaction was in 1971 when she produced rightful(prenominal) separate Me a sang-froid potable of piss Fore I travel, in 1975Oh commune My fly ar tone ending to hit Me Well, in 1979And I subdued Rise, and in 1983 mover and shaker wherefore Dont You Sing. She ranged from baloney to verse to nervous strain and back again, and her musical composition was jockey and the universality of whole lives. The honorary profession of a military personnel be is to issue, Angelou said. She verbalise of her wee love for William Shakespeares works, and...

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